For those of us who were all "My Chemical Romance" superfans... the making of "The Umbrella Academy" was a very important release this year. Gerard funnels his personality and experiences into this amazing comic book/ Netflix series.
He just gets it. Life is hard, and none of us actually want to be present for those who are alive... let alone dead.
He doesn't waste time. If you want him to punish himself long enough to be sober, he needs a good reason.
He knows who he is, and he has accepted himself for that.
He understands a bad trip when he sees one...
He really is just a big ball of love. And we love him for it.
He isn't afraid to admit when enough is enough, and that really is self care.
He's a big ole goof and is never afraid to show his true self in any situation.
He always tries to see the light in every situation... and when he can't he makes himself numb to everything, like we all wish we could.
Klaus and Dave have the ultimate love that we all crave, and watching it be stripped away from him hurt more than any breakup we've been through.

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