Recently I lost a beloved family member unexpectedly. The last time that I saw my aunt, I didn't think it would be the last.
The last hug.
The last long conversation.
The last laugh and contagious smile.
The last "I love you" and goodbye.
I was confident that I was going to see her again and didn't think anything about our short encounter, I thought it was the kind of "I'll see you later," goodbye, not the "this is the end," goodbye.
Until I heard the news of her passing. I was heartbroken.
Saying goodbye forever is never easy. It's one of the hardest challenges we have to face during life. We all lose someone close and special to our hearts. Unfortunately, life is not guaranteed and we all must leave this earth someday. But, we never know when that someday will be.
It could be today, tomorrow, or years down the road. It remains an unknown mystery to us and our loved ones. This is why we must always cherish our hello's, good mornings, good-nights, and goodbyes. Life is a game almost that we never know how it's going to end. Who's going to win and who's going to lose from day-to-day.
The world works in such a mysterious way that when you kiss and hug your significant other, mother, father, brother, sister, etc. goodbye in the morning, you never know if you will kiss and hug them hello when they return. Anyone can pass at any moment.
The return trip isn't promised and neither are your loved ones.
Life is way too short to get caught up on the past, hold grudges, and not focus on the current. Enjoy the moment now and the company that surrounds you as they may not be here tomorrow. Love a little more and despise less. Soak in every memory that you can while you and your loved ones remain here, sharing this wonderful life together.
So this is your reminder to kiss your loved ones a little longer, hug them a little tighter, and always tell them that you love them.