Dating in college can be rough.You're in a new town surrounded by new people that you know nothing about. That cute guy in your bio lab could be the world's biggest heart-breaker, but for as far as you can tell he's a southern gentlemen. So you agree to dinner at his favorite sports bar and suddenly you're clued in to his egotistical self. You roll your eyes and vouch to never, and I mean never, go on a date with a pre-med student ever again.
While figuring out your type is good, it's also important not to completely cut yourself off from the dating world. Not all pre-med students have egos the size of Texas. It's important to test the waters of dating in order to find out what you like and what you dislike, what you can compromise on and what you will absolutely not settle for. This, my friends, is called kissing a few frogs before you find your prince.
It's important to date they guy who is only in college for one reason: the parties. Why? Because for one, it gets your out of your comfort zone and transports you to a world that really does exist. Some guys (and girls) came to college for the social scene and it is this reason that will prevent them from graduating in four (or even five) years. For two, it is crucial that you realize fairly early on if this is the lifestyle you wish to choose. If it's not, then give yourself a pat on the back and walk the hell away from that repetitive theme party.
There's also the guy who somehow you get along with so easily; however, all of your political, religious, and moral views just clash. This is the guy who is actually going to teach you an important lesson. While he may he hella attractive and extremely down to earth, every time he talks about how Trump would make a good president you can't help but cringe. What's the lesson? That just because someone has different views than you, ones that you absolutely will never be able to understand, you are in fact able to get along with this person. And while it's best for both of you to go you're separate ways in the dating realm, you will learn that sometimes it's best to agree to disagree with someone and move on.
While in college you will also come across quite a few know-it-alls. You may find yourself undoubtedly attracted to one of them and think hey, what can go wrong? He's got his life together and it's obvious that he's going somewhere. But somewhere down the road you realize that every time you say something, even slightly incorrect, you're immediately corrected--and also extremely turned off. Again, it's important to date this guy because there are plenty of know-it-alls in this world. Most likely, there will be at least one know-it-all in every class you take for the rest of your educational career and even in your actual career you're almost guaranteed to work with one. So while this guy will inevitably drive you nuts to the point where you pretend you didn't date him, he will also unintentionally teach you the art of patience.
But don't be fooled, there are going to be guys that put on a good act. Opening your car door, paying for Chipotle, and even saying he wants to meet your parents. Sooner rather than later, this guy's true colors will come around--and probably right before you actually introduce him to your parents. And then pretty soon the texts become less frequent and, sure enough, there's a conversation about how "you're just better as friends."
So while you may be "lucky" enough to date all of the above mentioned frogs--or encounter a few different frogs--what's important to remember that these are in fact just lessons in disguise. One day, kissing frogs will pay off. You'll come to know yourself much better than what you did before you kissed some frogs. And one day, when you're expecting someone to be another lesson disguised as a frog, that frog will actually turn out to be your prince.