You see it all the time. A couple goes to give each other any form of affection and the crowd around them goes wild. Throwing phrases like, "gross," "I just threw up a little," "get a room," and more. These comments leave the couple feeling uncomfortable with their actions of just showing love for one another.
Why is this the natural response when two people in love are showcasing their love?
I do see certain points. The couples all over each other (making out, grabbing any part of the body they can reach, without even stopping for air) can get overwhelming and highly inappropriate. Those are the moments where I myself get grossed out.
There are moments and times for examples of affection. Where you become heavily attached to one another, that's more so for private places to be shared with just the two of you. If a couple decides to give each other a kiss goodbye as they part ways, they shouldn't feel reprimanded for doing so.
I kiss my family members on the cheek when I say hello, as well as when I say goodbye. Why is kissing my boyfriend goodbye any different?
Then comes the displays of affection that don't even involve any physical affection. As a writer, I enjoy writing about the experiences my boyfriend and I share.
I write about those experiences for quite a few reasons, some being to have another way of showcasing my appreciation for him, to give advice to other couples who share similar feelings/experiences, and to give hope to those who are still searching for that special someone and more.
Showing love for one another is something we all need to do more. This world is so filled with hatred and anger. Kindness and love, even in small attributes can go a long way.
I also know that the world can be a scary place. Things can change and anything can happen in the blink of an eye. While it isn't always the best way to think, I could lose him at any given time. I would much rather "be gross" and show as much affection to him as I can than not and regret not doing it more.
The jokes can be funny at times when coming from close friends. But there comes a time when it begins to bother the couple. They shouldn't have to feel anxious when it comes to showing their affection to one another just because other people are around. Give them a break and let them be in love.