It happens in a flash
paths in-twined by a string
the world becomes like one big rats nest,
entangling each other in loop after endless loop
yet ours seemed so obvious
Ours made itself noticeable
stood out like gold in a heap of trash
our diamond link in a tangle of rope
we pulled and pulled on ours,
stretching it to its outermost limit
just trying to get that much closer
to one another
Tension built and friction burned
a point was reached and the string snapped
silence took hold and distance grew,
till we thought to ourselves
there is no way of finding the way back
A glance above the room
no equivalent in sight, nothing felt in return
the thought of grabbing hold another string,
untangling, pulling, breaking
pounded at the muscles in my heart
A glance below to the floor
our once beautifully tethered string
lay broken, shambled at our feet
our two hands grasping the worn,
and withered rope in front of us
both ready to work at reaching one another
once again
Eventually we did reach each other
and when we did
it was with calloused hands
and a plain piece of string,
this was okay because we both understood
that our worn rope was twice as beautiful
for being broken in the first place