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11 Kinky Things To Try With Your Partner To Add A Little Oomph To Your Sex Life

Break that routine, but try not to break the bed.

11 Kinky Things To Try With Your Partner To Add A Little Oomph To Your Sex Life

Keeping things interesting in a relationship keeps everyone happy. It's easy for sex to turn into a routine, but it doesn't have to stay that way. Diversity can keep the spark alive, especially if you're in it for the long haul!

Disclaimer: Always talk to your partner and make sure what you're trying is a mutual agreement at some point beforehand. A surprise isn't always welcome!

1. Go to an adult store together.

Adult stores are EVERYWHERE. It can be daunting at first to walk in, but the cashiers have seen everything. You and your boo shopping around is the least of their concerns, so take a look around and talk about what piques you and your partner's interest.

Maybe you'll both find out that crop is something you want to try to use. Either way, it opens up a conversation about trying new things you both could be into. (Tip: these stores can give you an idea, but anything sold there is totally less expensive on Amazon.)

2. Watch porn with your partner.

Most of us do it, so why not have an open discussion about what types of adult content you're each most fond of? Watching porn together can start a conversation about trying what's in the videos.

Plus, mutual masturbation while you watch can be a new way to expand the meaning of "sex" into more than just the usual act. It's a super great way to keep things spicy. Two for one!

3. Make use of these toys.

Girls, gays, and in-betweens, if you don't own a vibrator of some sort by now, go buy one. Like, right now. Having your partner use a vibrator or dildo on you to make you finish is just one way to boost your confidence in bed as you watch them enjoy making you feel good.

4. Create a little lingerie surprise!

With videos of girls dropping their towels in front of partners going viral, we can draw the conclusion that a nice surprise can get things heated — super quickly. Why not find out a little bit about what your partner finds attractive and order it? Maybe it's a cute teddy or thigh highs and garters... either way, dropping that towel and revealing that sexy surprise will definitely have it all on the ground not even a minute later.

5. Rose petals, candles, and some wine.

Routine isn't a bad thing! Why not set up a romantic path to the bed before your partner gets back or when they're in the other room? The thought and effort put in is sure to be appreciated. Maybe your partner will make sure they match your level of effort. In a different way.

6. Take a kink test together!

Kinks are nothing to be ashamed of. We all probably have some. There's a billion tests online to find what you're into personally, and We Should Try It will only display the kinks you both think you're into trying!

7. Get out of bed and try it somewhere else!

What can be hotter than your bed? Spontaneously ripping each other's clothes off in the kitchen or a car and going at it.

8. Sext!

If you're not one for dirty talk in the moment, maybe it's time to have a little one-on-one over the phone! Talking about what you want to do the second you see your partner again can totally make your heart flutter.

9. Try light BDSM.

We all loved Rihanna's "S&M." Chains and whips excited her, so maybe they can excite you, too! Start slowly by seeing if light choking (BE SAFE AND RESEARCH!) or some starter techniques are a turn on. Safety and communication are the most important thing to consider when experimenting with BDSM. Hint: it doesn't look like it did in "Fifty Shades of Grey."

10. A threesome might just be for you.

While most of us value having just one partner, there are plenty of people who can find the prospect of bringing another person into the mix super hot. Speaking about these boundaries can be important too... maybe it's just not for your relationship. Though, if it's something you're both into, another person in bed for a night might be the ultimate way to spice it up.

11. Surprise them with a little something just for them

Everyone appreciates a gift without having to give back every once and a while. Maybe giving your partner morning head before they go to work can be the perfect start to their day, and they'll probably remember to return the favor soon.

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