As a King, his job is to make his Queen feel confidently comfortable and secure in her own skin. That means, if he’s the King for you, then he’s responsible for picking up the slack of every boy before you and embracing all of your insecurities with unconditional love and a genuine and deeper level of understanding than you’ve previously been exposed to. What we Kings have to realize is that it’s our obligation to God to treat the treasure He entrusted to us like the most priceless diamond that anybody on earth will ever be graced enough to witness, in this lifetime or the next. And true enough, she is. You all are, individually and equally each getting your fair share of the pie, with God coming in the clutch with the to-go boxes because He ruled in favor of your prayers and made sure to serve up extra blessings for dessert, on the House.
It’s quite a conundrum how there are women like that who currently exist in every society and are surreptitiously "a dime a dozen," yet when it comes to stepping up to the plate and putting our money where our mouths are, we men seem to be somehow inescapably fixated on just barely breaking even, and the majority of the time, still coming up short.
We need change. In more ways than one and on both sides of the field. A change in the way men approach women. Change in the way men talk to women. Change in the way older men remain disconnected and refrain from teaching young boys how to treat a woman. A change in the way women degrade other women. Change in the way women recover from being mistreated. And perhaps most important of all is the change in how a woman views herself when she looks in the mirror.
From the youngest age a girl is cognizant, it should be consistently and intrinsically instilled within her heart, mind and spirit that she is a work of art sculpted by the hands of God Himself. But how do you impart that kind of knowledge on somebody? How do you make somebody realize and understand their importance? You shouldn’t try to. Because that is a journey which should start within. Beautiful Queen, you must recognize your origins before you can even begin to understand or appreciate why and how you are so important... You are the (M)ark of (A) (N)ever-ending (S)upernatural (R)eminder of (I)nfinite (B)lessings, you are: MAN’S RIB. You were created for us, not the other way around, which makes you the treasure. You’re the blessing.
You are the perfect expression of a magnificent masterpiece constructed with divine attention and intention. So who are you not to wear your crown in confidence? God spent a lot of time crafting you and He does not make worthless things ever. You are a vital and necessary extension of a man. Without you he is nothing, he is and will forever be incomplete because of your absence. If the man you’re with lacks the ability to comprehend your essence, your beauty, your purpose, why you are the way you are and how much your presence is worth, then he is not your Adam and you are not his Eve, so you have every right to get up and leave.
When you raise your standards, the boys will sit down, while the men will stand up to meet them. You are an (A)mazingly (D)ivine (A)nd (M)agnificently (S)trong (R)eflection of (I)nner (B)eauty, sweet Angel you are ADAM’S RIB, and don’t you ever in your life go a single day without remembering who you were, who you are, why you belong here, and that God Himself realized no man would survive without you. So the next time you look in that mirror, see the Queen that you are, so that you’re ready and capable of receiving and reciprocating the kind of love that you deserve.