“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” -Unknown Author
Throughout life, I have experienced many types of people--the vague, the cruel, and the kind. Being around others all my life and working with the public, I have found the kind ones to be rare.
So, why is it so rare? As it has been said so many times before, everyone is fighting a battle that you know nothing about so always be kind.
Granted, I have met some amazing people in life that advocate nothing but the act of kindness, but I have also met people who lack the actions that kindness entails.
The name calling needs to be put to an end. I have seen this with people my age, people that are older, and people all around me every day. Sadly, I have seen this from myself. At some point in our lives, we have all been guilty of this. With that being said, we all have people in our lives where we find ourselves having the need to bite our tongues. I wish I would have known sooner in my life that it is better to do just that. We are certainly not going to care for everybody, but just remember that someone is always suffering from something. Whether you are saying it to them or about them, skip the name calling and say nothing at all. After all, in the end, you are the one that looks bad. Don't name call and pray for the ones that do.
You have the ability to change a life. When there is such a wide variety of words and actions to use with others, use the ones that will build them up and help them view themselves as valuable. Without knowing it, you could be face to face with someone who wants to end their life and that is the sad truth. Compliment everyone, smile at them, or wave. The words you use could either build them or break them, so choose wisely.
Remember to pay it forward. Research shows that when we help others, we help ourselves. It will never go unnoticed and it will always help you feel pleased with yourself. Pay for their meal, give a less fortunate family clothes, do whatever you can to make another person happy they woke up that morning. Making others smile sounds a lot better than making them hurt, don't you think?
When walking past a stranger, smile at every single one. Granted, they might not smile back, but at least you know you tried. I have also found this action to be rare. I look around myself at a grocery store or school and see people walk past each other with a straight face showing absolutely no emotion. I understand that you might possibly be on a mission, but it takes zero time and effort to spread happiness. Smiling is good for the soul, utilize it.
Call and let your loved ones know how much you appreciate them. You can never tell someone enough how much they mean to you, and the day you do it might be a day where that's exactly something they needed to hear. They could be going through a lot more than you think, and when others feel worthless, they feel like they do not add any value to anyone else's life. Let them know that they do.
Often times, people will disguise their emotions with a mask to get through their day. They will smile and laugh here and there but their inside could be a completely different place, something you know absolutely nothing about. Remember that.
Kindness matters to me because I know how it feels to be treated with the opposite. I never want to make anyone feel how I have felt in the past because of other people, and you shouldn't either.
You will find yourself in a room with two other people. One will have just gotten the greatest news of his life and is the happiest he can be, while the other person will have just received the worst news and feels though as if he has hit rock bottom. The only thing is, you will not be able to tell a difference between the two.
Choose your words wisely.