Do you ever feel like you want to do more to help people, but you don't know how to? Trust me I have been on that boat more than once. Sometimes I feel like I could do more. I feel like I could be doing amazing things like going on mission trips, or maybe volunteering more. I see all of these people helping out and making such big contributions to people in needs or charities and I think, "Wow. Why can't I do something that helpful?"
It wasn't until recently I found out by just being myself I was helping people out. I've always been a nice and kind girl. Usually, when people describe me they say, "Oh Jailynn is so sweet," or "Jailynn is the nicest girl ever!" Sometimes I thought some people just said that as a fall back to say about someone, but little did I know my kindness was actually one of my traits that stood out the most.
I'm just that girl who is sweet to everyone regardless if I know you or not. I will go out of my way to make sure people are having a great day. Whenever I am walking to my classes I smile at the people passing by because I've always heard a smile can go a long way. Well just like a smile can go a long way, so can kindness.
People may not realize it, but when you are genuinely kind to someone that is something that person will always remember you by. It could as simple as a compliment or sending them a message with an encouraging message. As cheesy as some people think that is to some people that compliment or message could have been the one thing they truly needed to hear or read that day.
I have also heard to always be kind to someone because you never know what battle they have been facing. Think about a time you were having a bad day and out of the blue someone managed to do one small thing and it completely turned your day around. It felt nice, didn't it? It felt like whatever battle you were facing didn't matter anymore because that one small act of kindness changed your entire day around.
I think as people we take small acts of kindness or nice gestures for granted. We are so quick to say people are just being fake or that they are doing it for attention. There are those people who do acts of kindness to get attention, but they definitely do not reap the benefits like those who are doing the act of kindness out of the pure love from their heart.
If you have a chance, be nice to someone. If you are shopping, give someone a compliment. If you are in class, smile at someone. Little things go such a long way. You never know what simple gesture can change someone's life around.
So pass along kindness. It's worth it.