I work as a tutor and as a front desk clerk at that same tutoring center. Because of this, I see a lot of things that make me wonder about the intelligence of humanity. Some days, it can get real dumb for half an hour, and that half hour leaves me wondering whether there’s hope for humanity. Whether this whole tutoring this is “worth it” (it is).
For you lovely readers, I've compiled a list of things to not do when getting tutored. Or, you know, in general. Some of these should be considered common courtesy, and I think others would be considered common sense.
Let me just say this: none of the stupidity that I see are from papers. My job is to help make people into better writers, so I expect to see papers in need of some serious TLC. I love what I do, but man do some people make me wonder about the state of humanity.
Basically, kindly don't:
1. Call using your outdoor voice.
Please! Do not! Yell! At me! I'm a simple student with anxiety. If you call yelling about something, I won't want to help, and I'll probably have a hard time hearing because I'm trying to not have an anxiety attack because I'm getting yelled at for something I did not do.
2. Demand to see a tutor immediately.
I don't care what your story is or how desperate you are to see a tutor. You shouldn't have waited until the last minute to get help. And, no, I can't "just look over it real quick." You're outta luck, buddy, try again next time.
3. Use the check-in computer to make an appointment.
Don't tell me you have an appointment and then try to make an appointment using the check-in computer. Just tell me you need one. That simple.
4. Use the wrong computer to check in.
There is a bright neon sign that tells you what it's used for -- and I promise it's not for signing in.
5. Walk past the "use these computers!" sign to use an off-limits computer.
It's literally a brightly colored paper with a giant arrow pointing at the computers you're supposed to you. Don't make me have to tell you to move. Because I have to.
6. Ignore the neon paper saying which printer to print to.
It's a bright neon green sign with the printer in big letters. Shouldn't be that hard.
7. Sit anywhere that is not the designated waiting area.
There are plenty of seats by the door. Sit there. Anything past the printing computers are reserved and too far for us to see you. If you're out of our view, you probably won't get called to your appointment. Then we'll all be annoyed.
8. Complain about the website.
If the instructions "don't make sense," then tell us what part and where. We can't fix it if you won't explain it. That's just annoying and doesn't help.
9. Ask for some of my paper.
I mean, I'll give you some anyway if you see that I have paper, but that's not because I'm a generous soul. It's because I'm not about to deal with you getting annoyed that I won't give you something I paid for. Get your own paper.
10. Ask for a scantron.
We haven't done scantrons in literal years. Please stop asking.
11. Expect to see a different tutor because you're here early.
No, I'm not going to change your tutor because you were an over-achiever who got here early. If they want to get you early, they will.
12. Expect us to get you early.
If we're ready early, then sure, we may get you, but you signed up for a certain time, and we're not obligated to take you early.
13. Ask for more time.
You signed up for this time, that's all the time you're gonna get. Don't ask if we can go overtime because, chances are, we have another appointment after you.
14. Ask for less time.
When the front desk says your appointment must be this long, it must be that long. We may not keep you the whole time, but your six-page paper has to be an hour-long appointment. That's just how it is.
15. Say you think your paper is just fine.
Trust me, we'll find something to work on.
16. Not know what your assignment is.
We can't help if we don't know what you need to do, and if you don't know what you need to do then you're outta luck. Be prepared next time.
17. Expect me to re-write your paper.
I'm your tutor, not your online fix-it-all. Expect to learn.
18. Think you know more than us.
We're the tutors here, so go ahead and assume that we have more knowledge. Because we do.
19. Expect a stamp if you did nothing.
The stamp means you worked with us and your paper has improved. If you didn't work with us, then you don't get the stamp. Try again next time.