As a little kid, I think we all used to jealous of the “cool” kids in our kindergarten class. The “cool” kids I’m talking about are the ones that used to have the individual Pringles cups, Doritos bags, and Lunchables while your stuck eating apple slices, a turkey sandwich, and a bottle of water. As the jealousy grew every day in school, your little attitude towards your mom changed. You start to cry over the fact that the “cool” kids had the nice food and your stuck with the lame food that won’t even get recognized during snack. So your mom decides to change what she serves you to fit in and stop the jealousy from growing in your five-year-old frame. But once your start eating the new food, you notice the “cool” kids are now eating YOUR ORIGINAL LUNCH. So once again the jealous grows and you returned to square one.
People will always want you after they leave you. People will always want what you have after you stop using it. People will always want to be you after you stop being you. This is life. We all started to act that way as children. We become jealous of other people because it’s human nature. It’s human nature to want to become someone else if your life isn’t what you wanted. You will always want what someone else has. Trust me, Girl Scouts, I’ve always wanted the beauty my friends possess naturally and I still can’t get over that. You will always want to become “that person” because you saw how it changed someone else’s life. We as humans are constantly seeking to evolve into a new person because we are tired of trying to be ourselves. And when we refuse to admit it, we continue to be ourselves.
But sometimes, life doesn’t work out that way. You finally get what you want and guess what, YOU SCREWED YOURSELF MAJORLY. And the circle you experienced in kindergarten, continues to go around. And this is the lesson we all have to learn at some point. Just because she got the boy and you didn’t, doesn’t mean you have to go and get a boy and live unhappily with him for months on end. Don’t copy someone else’s actions because in the end, I’d rather be screwed by a Fuck Boy and have no repercussions then get a Fuck Boy and suffer for years with our repercussions. A mistake is one thing but a lifetime worth of consequences is something jealousy will do to you.
Jealous in the end will kill you if you can’t stop yourself from being what you see in someone else. The minute you stop being jealous of the girl, who in the end is stuck with her Fuck Boy for a lifetime, you’ll notice that your life is getting better over her’s. Jealous can sting and cut you like a bitch, but you can always go back and be that bitch.
Create your own life path and just be yourself without someone else’s life in your way. Trust me, I’m living a good life, with good people, with good food.
And guess what, I’m not jealous at all.