A few years back I picked up a book called "Wonder" by RJ Palacio, a book that had these wonderful words implemented on one of its pages: "Always be a little kinder than necessary."
This stuck with me ever since I read that wonderful piece of advice. First off, if you haven't read this book, please close this computer and pick it up right now. You will not regret it.
Secondly, after you've read the book, of course, it's important to reflect on how much of an impact kindness has on the world. Even though you might not see the immediate impact after doing something kind, it still can make a huge difference in someone's day, or even life.
Here are some amazing reasons why you should carry this advice with you wherever you go, with whomever you meet.
1. Everyone is facing a battle
No matter how picture perfect someone's life may seem, everyone has problems. Let's face it, life is hard. It's hard for everyone. So why not make it easier by taking the time out of your day to put a smile on someone's face? And if that someone completely looks at you like you're crazy after you try to ask them about their day, don't be offended. Chances are your gentle heart made a big difference in their day, even if they fail to show it.
2. It can fill your heart with joy
I have found that after I place a bigger emphasis on someone else's feelings or day than my own and serve them in some way, I walk away feeling joyful. I think we benefit more personally from helping others than we do from helping ourselves. Selfishness is a quick route to disappointment. Who wants to spend time thinking about our broken selves all day long, trying to make everything perfect for our day? Nope. That's a miserable life. I would much rather lift others up than try to perfect my own life. Like Robert Ingersoll said, "We rise by lifting others."
3. Life is hard enough
In the wake of all of these terrorist-related deaths, and with suicide rates skyrocketing, it's no wonder this world is in need of kindness and selflessness. You never know what someone is going through. And chances are your kindness will even inspire others to put a smile on someone else's face. Kindness is contagious, and it is simply good for the soul.
And make sure, above all else, you are kind to others not for your own self benefit or so people will like you. You should be kind to others without thinking of yourself once, because that's when true service comes into action. Do everything out of love. And think about it: if we only loved people who loved us back, what on earth would we be adding to the world?
From now on, we should really focus on shifting the attention from ourselves to the needs of others. Whether it's that person who went after your boyfriend behind your back, or that guy who has a speech impediment in your class which causes him to be made fun of whenever he asks a question, or the person in the elevator with you and there's kind of an awkward silence between you both (we've all been there), or the sweet neighbor who is struggling to raise six kids all by herself, or the frantic woman in Kroger who drops her groceries all over the place because she is going to be late for a meeting, or the person on the first day of school no one has talked to. These are all opportunities for kindness. Introduce yourself. Ask them how they are doing. Smile. And most importantly, listen. Listening goes a long way, because some people have no one to talk to. Even being kind to one person will make a difference.
RJ Palacio was right. I promise, after all is said and done, you will never regret being kind to someone.