My mother always told me that your best friend is supposed to be yourself.
I thought this was ridiculous growing up. Don't you have to have some sort of relationship with someone in order to have a friendship? I only very recently have decided that I think she's right because in the end, who do you spend all of your time with?
So with this logic, you should be your own best friend.
But from knowledge and personal experience, we don't treat ourselves like we would our best friends. In fact, if we treated others the way we treat and think about ourselves, we probably wouldn't have many, or any friends.
What can be done to change this? How can we treat ourselves kindly? Here is a list of ways to get the ball rolling.
1. Buy yourself some flowers to brighten up your day and your surroundings.
2. Journal three things everyday that you are grateful for.
3. Be mindful of what you think about, whether it be yourself, or of others.
4. Find moments of the day where you can be calm.
5. Treat yo' self.
6. Take a nice long walk.
7. Sit on the grass with a trashy magazine or a book for at least 30 minutes to go “ground yourself."
8. Smile.
9. Buy a fuzzy pair of socks.
10. Buy some stationary and write yourself a letter, perhaps about all of the things you like/love about yourself. Set a date on the letter for when you can open it.
11. Get your favorite sandwich/Panini/food that makes you happy.
12. Go to an actual ice cream store and buy a scoop or two, or a whole gallon if you dare.
13. Do one thing everyday that is kind to yourself.
In the end, if you aren't kind to you, who will be?