I laugh every time an athlete thinks they are superior to me. Just because you play a D3 sport does not make you a hot shot. I am speaking from experience-- this does not apply to every individual. The funny thing is some people can be very arrogant and think they have the ability to bend the rules because they play a sport. I laugh at this because the world does not work that way. Athletes sign a contract claiming they will not smoke or drink. The crazy thing is I see these deals break all the time. Who am I to judge if you want to drink in college; however, I have a hard time understanding why you would smoke cigarettes. That is downright idiotic, and that is horrible for your health.
An incident occurred a couple of weeks ago when my school began it's new year. First-year students were moving in with their families. We only have a certain amount of spots for parents to park and a group of volunteer traffic control students specifically asked a group of athletes not to park in the restricted area because they were for first-year students. These students smirked and said we are athletes, continued to pull forward and park in the restricted area. I was appalled, first of all, how lazy... They could have parked twenty steps to the left. However, they chose to be to be completely rude and make the move-in day harder for new students and parents. These athletes parked and rushed off to catch their bus for a game.
What I have a hard time wrapping my head around is howthe statement "I am an athlete," gives you power to behave however you please. This is ridiculous to think you are better than another. Yes, I understand athletes have a busy and stressful schedule in college. Other students work just as hard. Students like me, I work an around the clock job and I am just as busy. We need to keep the mind-set to be kind to everyone. Just in general, student athletes are treated special in college universities.
The U of M for instance, because of some of their athletic talents they have a full ride to that university and live in extremely expensive housing where they do not have to pay for any of it. What about all the students who work extremely hard as well but all their hard work is poured into working to pay to attend college and studying to do extraordinary in college. More athletes are getting scholarships it seems over students who do very well in their academics. Yes, it does depend on the situation, I do understand that not every athlete is treated better than other students or has this sense of superior attitutde over other people. These are just personal experiences I have encountered with some athletes.