Last week, Kim Kardashian broke the internet yet again, releasing footage of a previously recorded phone call between Taylor Swift and Kanye. This phone call proved that Taylor Swift's claims of being naive to the lyrics of Kanye's song, "Famous", were false. Or at least they were not 100% accurate. Kim dropped these videos on Snapchat late one night last week, and by the time morning came, people were flipping out.
Long story short, people began picking sides: hating Taylor, supporting Taylor, hating Kimye, supporting Kimye, etc. While people wrote articles about the situation, pitted against each other in this long-going battle between Kimye & Swift, I sat idly by and wondered why we all waste our time and energy on situations like this.
The long battle between Kimye & Swift is getting old. Starting in 2009, it has successfully managed to be a relevant topic of conversation until 2016, and it seems that it won't be stopping any time soon. I have a hard time understanding why people like to entertain this type of publicity. This is how I see it: Why do we like Taylor Swift? Why do we like Kanye? Their music. These two artists are musicians. We listen to their music and that is why they are famous. (Kim is a different story, we'll ignore her role in this for now). However, now, we are making them even more famous and giving them more publicity for negative and pointless actions. Who cares if Taylor Swift knew about the lyrics and lied about it? Who cares if Kanye didn't ever tell her about them? Who cares about his lyrics? Who cares if Taylor Swift is being sneaky? Of course, Taylor Swift and Kanye can care about their own personal issues with each other, but is it really of any purpose for us to care? We sit here and waste our time, thinking about the Kimye-Swift feud, feeding into the argument that is probably scripted at this point to make more money. Kim, Kanye, & Taylor just have to argue a little bit, make it public, send out a few tweets, and they will be making millions of more dollars.
Maybe if we put this much attention towards something positive, something real, something relevant in our society, we could make the changes that we always complain are impossible. There are people out there that devote their lives to making differences, while there are people that devote their lives to following celebrity gossip. If we all just took a step away from the screens, the social media, the drama, maybe we would be able to see what we should really be devoting our attention to.
Regardless of their drama, I'm still going to listen to Taylor Swift andKanye West. Regardless of their drama, Taylor Swift and Kanye West will still be wealthier than I could ever dream of being. Regardless of their drama, there is still a world outside with problems that needs our attention more.