Kimmy Schmidt is the fun loving, ray of sunshine we have all been missing in our lives.
We need to take a minute and talk about why she, Titus, Gretchen, Jacqueline, Xan and Lillian are all great. "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" is full of inspirational moments and hilarious antics that could only come from the brain of creator Tina Fey.
Let's start with Kimmy.
After spending 15 years in the bunker with Rev. Richard Wayne Gary Wayne, Kimmy enters a new world. She is quirky and
fearless, taking on the real world in a totally Kimmy fashion. She may not understand all the insults Xan throws her way, but she still goes blow for blow with her.
When she isn't doing that, Kimmy is literally keeping her friends' lives from falling to shambles. She makes Titus a better person, especially when he tries to keep Ronald Wilkerson hidden deep within. She ends up helping Xan realize that her friends are actually horrible people. Don't even get me started on how much Jacqueline needs her. Gretchen and the other mole women would've gone crazy without her. Kimmy knows how to make the world a better place
Now let's talk about Gretchen, one of the other mole women. ![]()
Gretchen is a little bit of an odd duck. She actually enjoyed her time in the bunker. She believes that Rev. Gary Wayne wanted the best for her and the other mole women. ***SPOILERS*** In fact, she even wanted to go back into the bunker during Rev. RWGW's trial. In season two, Gretchen takes it a step further and joins the "Church of Cosmetology" before starting her own cult....
Lillian is one crazy, cool old lady.
There really isn't a lot to say about Lillian. She is crazy in the best sense of the word. Fiercely loyal to Titus and Kimmy, Lillian sticks by her friends through and through. She even helps Titus get a ~special friend~ in season two.
Xan is the cold, awkward teenager I always wanted to be.
Xanthippe Lannister Voorhees acts tough and cool, but deep down she is the over-achieving, involved nerd that I was in
high school. Except Xan is much ~cooler~ about it than I was (sorry, bhs friends). Constantly looking for new ways to expose Kimmy and make her life a living hell, Xan actually has a very complex relationship with her friends and with her dad. We all feel a little bad for her at the end of season one, but we know (hope) Xan will be just fine in Connecticut.
Jacqueline, A.K.A. Jackie Lynn, is a piece of work... in a good way. After leaving the reservation she grew up on, yes, she is a Native American, Jacqueline dyed her hair blonde and started wearing blue contacts. She also married Julian Vorhees, New York billionaire. After ending their tumultuous relationship at the end of season one, Jacqueline high-tailed it for the reservation to sort out her problems. She would not be able to function without Kimmy. Jacqueline barely has a grip on her own life, let alone her son Buckley's.
Jacqueline is hilariously incapable of living her life without the help of someone. Kimmy keeps her sane and
happy. She is the best caricature of rich, suburban, wino mom that there is on TV right now.
Finally, the star of the show. TITUS ANDROMEDON.
Titus is the true star of the show (I'm sorry Kimmy, I love you, but Titus will always have my heart). From his iconic music video, "Pinot Noir," to any of his musical acts in season two, Titus steals the show. He is sassy. He is fabulous. He may be a little rude to his ex-wife, but he is flawless.
He never fails to keep Kimmy in line and help her when she just doesn't understand anything. Together, he and Jacqueline succeed in reintroducing Kimmy to the world. Style guru, musical genius, wordsmith. Titus. Is.