It's that time of the year again. The time of the year where you are the busiest and are constantly being teased with summer weather. It's that time of the time of the year that stresses you out the most. Season 2 of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" is finally here and I look forward to finishing it after these 3 weeks end! Here is a list of 5 Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Gifs that describe my hatred of the final three weeks of the spring semester.
1. When you have 3 presentations and a paper due in a two day period
Keep telling yourself that Kimmy. I've tried and it doesn't work. Just get it done and complain about it later. The semester is almost over, get as many points as you can!
2. When it's sunny outside but it doesn't matter because you don't have the time to go outside
One of the perks of living in Alabama is the warm weather. Unfortunately, it's crunch time and nobody has time for a quick game of basketball in the sun. Unless it's a study break, then distract yourself and ball out!
3. When your professor tells you that the exam will be comprehensive and cover everything
Ugh! Nothing more stressful than realizing that you have to make sure you know information from the first week of class to the last week of class. It's cool though; just pull out the textbook, get your notes, and get to work.
4. When you are trying to study and someone is blaring loud music down the hall
How I cannot wait for quiet hours to begin! There is nothing more annoying than loud noises when you are trying to study. Whether it's music or the newest season of Game of Thrones bumping down the hall, you wish people owned headphones and would respect your study time.
5. When you are trying to decipher important information from unimportant information
6. Finally, The good feeling you feel when you remember it is almost summer
It's almost time for the long nights and warm weather that you are waiting for! It's almost time to be reunited with your friends from back home!
The semester is almost to a close, so finish strong. Remember to relax, but study hard and do what you've gotta do. I mean, if Kimmy can survive being locked in a bunker for 15 years in a strange cult, then you can survive exam season. Remember that summer is around the corner. While this is everyone's least favorite time, it's the time of the semester that matters the most. Finish strong and take a page out of Kimmy's book this summer and embrace your inner weird.