Kim Kardashian Becoming A Lawyer Should Be Celebrated, Not Mocked | The Odyssey Online
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Kim Kardashian Studying Law Should Be A Source Of Motivation, Not Mockery

Why tear down someone for pursuing their goals and dreams?

Kim Kardashian Studying Law Should Be A Source Of Motivation, Not Mockery

The Kardashians/Wests/Jenners are one of, if not the most famous family today. The family has a variety of TV shows, "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" being the most popular, as well as over 10 others. They have numerous clothing and makeup lines, apps, mobile games, websites, and more. Each member of the family is worth millions of dollars, Kylie Jenner is even worth $1 billion.

But despite everything the family as accomplished, the Kardashians are continuously put down everyday for having "no talent." It's no secret that the family's rise to fame came from their father's work in OJ Simpson's notorious trial, as well as Kim Kardashian's unfortunately well-known "film." So their fame and fortune didn't necessarily come from their talents, but that doesn't mean that they don't have any talent or that they are at least working towards something talented.

Earlier in April, Kim was interviewed by Vogue, where she shared her plans to become a lawyer. Suddenly, following the release of her interview, Kim was ripped apart online. The internet questioned why on Earth she would ever become a lawyer, and she was told to "stay in her lane." It's no doubt that Kim Kardashian is someone who has seemingly everything and anything any person could ever want. She has so much already, she has all the fame and fortune in the world. Why would she even try to become a lawyer? What's the point?

Well, I have to ask, why not? The Kardashians are far too familiar with hearing that they have no talent, but when they try to make something out of themselves and do something to help people, they are still talked down to. Kim has a goal, a dream, and she wants to pursue it. Why shouldn't she? All the people who criticize them for having "no talent" are the same ones who hate on the Kardashians for trying to make something out of themselves. What's with that? Behind her fame and fortune, Kim is just a regular person with her own hopes and aspirations. Don't give her hate for working towards something she wants. It isn't easy to become a lawyer, and Kim knows that, but she says she is ready and looking forward to the challenge and hard work.

In an Instagram post, Kim Kardashian explained her work towards becoming a lawyer and studying law. She also addressed the people who have been criticizing her. She says, "Last year I registered with the California State Bar to study law. For the next 4 years, a minimum of 18 hours a week is required, I will take written and multiple choice tests monthly. As my first year is almost coming to an end I am preparing for the baby bar, a mini version of the bar, which is required when studying law this way." Clearly, it's a lot of work to pursue law, especially with everything else Kim has on her plate: three children and one on the way, a makeup line, several apps and mobile games, and more. Why are someone's hard work and perseverance something to judge and criticize?

Kim continues, saying "I want people to understand that there is nothing that should limit your pursuit of your dreams and the accomplishment of new goals. You can create your own lanes, just as I am. The state bar doesn't care who you are. This option is available to anyone whose state allows it... For anyone assuming this is the easy way out, it's not. My weekends are spent away from my kids while I read and study. I work all day, put my kids to bed and spend my nights studying. There are times I feel overwhelmed and when I feel like I can't do it but I get the pep talks I need from the people around me supporting me."

It's become evident that Kim Kardashian is working so hard and making sacrifices to study law, all while doing it on her own. She is trying to prove that she has worth, abilities, and talent. Despite what every hater may say, Kim is working to do more with her fame and to help those who need it.

We've almost all seen "Legally Blonde," and if Elle Woods taught us anything, we know that with hard work and passion, anyone who pursues their dream of being a lawyer CAN do it. Rather than doubt and mock her, let's look at Kim Kardashian's dream of becoming a lawyer as inspirational and motivational.

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