So for those who are currently in college or have been through college, it is the best of times and the worst of times. Each day comes with its lessons that you learn and you have to deal with what the day or your professor throws at you sometimes. I thought it would be nice to reflect on how I have felt in college so far via Kim Kardashian.
1. Annoying Exams
Describe 10 terms in at least 4 sentences each and pick 3 writing topics to discuss in paragraph form. Um... this is not what I signed up for Professor. So annoying!
2. Crying Because You Failed Your Exam
The {crying} feels when you fail your exam for a class that you took the time out of your life to study for. And you still failed. And you want to drop out right about now...
3. Listening To Your Professor
Depending on your professor, you will have lots to jot down from what they are saying. Listening can be hard, but it is key for when they are saying something important. You don't want to miss the info, even if it comes out in a boring way.
4. We Totally Don't Have Other Classes!
Funny, you think that your class is only class I'm taking that requires me to study and get your paper written? Haha yeah, you are so funny professor, think about 4 other classes that I have to take in addition to yours.
5. Do We Really Have To Come To Class?
Ah yes, the feeling we get when we don't feel like getting out of our PJ's and putting on some clothes to head to class. There is not like there is going to be anything crucial mentioned in lecture right?
6. Eating In Class
Not going to lie, we all can get a little hungry at times during class. It's hard not to think about bringing food to class so that you can get through lecture. Chick-Fil-A anyone?
7. Money for Textbooks
Textbooks? You'll be lucky if you don't have to spend a fortune on them. $100 for just the access code for the online textbook? Yeah, that's crazy!
8. Treating Others With Respect
Whether it's your classmates or your professor, you will want to treat them nicely so that they will treat you nicely back. You never know when you may need them.
9. The College Life Is Tiring
Your classes will be draining at times and you will be so tired by the end of the day. Don't fall asleep in class though or you may regret it.
These are just a few things that Kim has taught me while being in college. Which one stuck out to you the most? Leave a comment below!