Killing Stalking is a manga series written and illustrated by Koogi, a Korean woman who imagined this story and took it to a whole different level that is horrifying.
According to Lezhin Comics, "this series is about a scrawny quiet boy named Yoon Bum. He has a crush on one of the most popular and handsome guys in school, Sangwoo. One day, with Yoonbum's obsession towards Sangwoo reaching its peak, Yoon Bum decides to enter Sangwoo's home. But what he saw inside was not the Sangwoo he had dreamed of."
Koogi has a Twitter Account: @kooo_gi and she said that she will release season 3 of Killing Stalking in early May! Unfortunately, nobody knows the exact day... which makes it a total mystery.
Killing Stalking isn't a basic read and it isn't a regular romance story either. It is filled with horror, drama, danger and let's just say... it will send shivers down your spine.