I feel like in this day and age respect has completely gone out the window. This goes for all ages, and all backgrounds. I work at a coffee shop and I often lose track of how many people don't acknowledge the fact that I am a human being. No hello. No eye contact. No thank you. As much as I don't want it to, my attitude automatically shifts. It brings me down. I continue to smile. I continue to do my job to the best of my ability. But all I really want to ask is "why?"
Why do you find it necessary to spread your negativity towards others?
I understand we all have bad days and I understand that everyone is fighting their own battles. But neither of those things give anyone an excuse to belittle other people. To make them feel stupid or incompetent. But most people do not stand up to these individuals, so they know nothing but bitterness. They know nothing but criticism. They are bullies. They come in all shapes and sizes. All ethnicities and religions. And seeing the defeat and upset on another's face is their power source. They feel strong. They feel in control. They feel like they are better than you.
So here is my challenge to everyone. Next time someone is rude to you. Smile. Ignore their comments. Be the bigger person. Take away their power. By reacting politely, you demonstrate how mature you are. You display your strength and your self control by not exploding or shrinking to their level. Don't give them a taste of their own medicine, give them an example of what respect looks like. Flashback to kindergarden and practice the golden rule. "Treat others how you want to be treated."
To put it simply, kill them with kindness.