It’s that time of year again when high school is coming to an end for the graduating seniors. It’s time to cherish the last few moments of high school, and reminisce on the past four years of your life. For me, I reminisced on playing soccer for the past four years, and I began to take notice of a few things that I had been taking for granted. I will always remember my last high school soccer game because I did all of the things that I loved most about soccer in that one game, and I wanted to share them with you.
Go on a team outing before your last game.
All of those McDonalds and Chick-Fil-A trips are coming to an end, and you need to make the best of the last one. Get all of your team members to meet up before your last game, and pig out on your last pre-game meal (not too much, though, you don’t want to get sick.)
Have the best jam out session ever on the way to the game.
Play some of your most favorites songs, and sing like crazy with your girls. Not only will it get you pumped up, but you will also make some of the best memories that will stick with you forever. And it also gives you a reason to just be care free around your best friends one last time before having to go off and meet new people who do not understand your passion for rap music (it’s a win-win no matter what.)
Go through warm-up like you never have before.
I know that after doing the same routine every game for the past four years can get kind of boring and you start to lose interest, but it’s the last time you ever do it, so finish out strong. A couple of years down the road, you will find yourself doing that same warm-up before you hit the gym just because you miss it that much.
Make sure to thank your coach at the end of the game.
This person has invested so much into you, and it is the least you can do to thank them. They have put you through blood, sweat, and tears, but it was only because they cared about you and believed that you could achieve greatness. They have been your mentor for the past four years and they deserve a proper thank you and farewell. Plus, it is the joy that you see on their faces after the fact that will brighten your day and stick with you forever.
Give it all you got out there on the field, and leave with no regrets.
Play like it is your last time being out there on that field (because it is) and fight like you never have before. You are losing one of the most important aspects of your life, and you need to give it your all. Try your best to accomplish something that you have been perfecting the past four years. You will be glad you did when you finally achieve it. Do some crazy trick that you have been wanting to try for a long time. If it fails, so what? At least you tried it and gave it your all. Most importantly, when you walk off the field for the last time, make sure you do not regret a single thing because no matter what, it was a perfect last game and you will remember it forever.