Growing up is hard. In fact, it is so hard, and it happens so quickly that we don't even notice we are adults until we are looking life right in the face. One day we are playing in the sandbox, then the next we are in college, living on our own, paying bills, and making real life decisions that will have implications on our lives forever. There are the moments when we realize our independence, and strut with pride. However, there seem to be many more occasions when the sinking realization hits: we can no longer look for an "adult" in a sticky situation, because we are the adults. As with most things in life, there are pros and cons to growing up. While it's nice to be your own person, there are a few things that make us wish we could go back in time, and be kids once again.
1. It was easy to wake up in the morning.
Wait, my class starts WHEN?
2. You never seemed to get tired.
Until bedtime; then you were out like a light.
3. School wasn't so difficult.
Back then, at least there were still numbers in our math problems.
4. "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" was a viable answer.
Unfortunately that isn't all we need to know for biology anymore.
5. Imagination was exciting.
Now we're just imagining the bad grade we pulled on that test... Yikes.
6. The toys we wanted were a LOT cheaper.
We're talking about you, Apple.
7. Not to mention Mom and Dad wouldn't mind buying us those toys.
Well, I don't really need that, do I?
6. We didn't know what stress was.
Please, we aren't always stressed... Hold on, is that a gray hair?
7. The activities were more fun.
Not quite sure adults are supposed to buy coloring books...for ourselves.
8. The biggest drama in your life was on a TV show, not in your life.
And even the Disney Channel drama seemed pretty tame at times.
9. "The future" meant middle or high school.
Now it just means finding a job, buying a house, making a life; Oh my.
10. Playing.
Playing? Oh, we thought you said "paying."
It's almost bittersweet to reminisce on memories from childhood. It is undeniable that as kids, life was much easier. Times were much simpler, with fewer worries and more time to enjoy life. There will always be times when we wish we could rewind the clock and revisit our childhood, but unfortunately we don't have that luxury. For now, all we can do is continue to grow, learn, and accept adulthood and all of its scary implications. We are adults now, with all of the trials and tribulations that may come along with it. As mature and responsible as we're "supposed" to be, there's no shame in wanting to be a kid again.