The past week has been anything but restful, it's been long and painful. Stupid kidney. Most young adults would be grateful for a week off, a week in front of the tv bingeing on Netflix shows - oh but how wrong they would be. I'm ready to be back at work. I don't like laying around every day and I most definitely don't like laying around in pain and discomfort (thank you oh so much for the heat pad that I kept glued to my side!). This week taught me a lot.
It showed me the importance of having good people in your life to take care of you when you can't take care of yourself like my amazing boyfriend who sat through hospital visits and held me on the couch when the pain brought tears and for cooking and cleaning because I just couldn't.
So very thankful for my sisters and my parents that checked on me constantly.
My coworkers for being more than willing to pick up my shifts so I could take time to rest and look out for me and my little girl.
It's been a heck of a week but it has shown me how many people care and how lucky I am to be surrounded with great people. With 2017 beginning shortly it's a good thought to have knowing that I've got people in my corner to start the year.
Here's to what a week on the couch taught me and let's hope that the pain goes away with the new year! Happy New Year!