For all you pals that still ask for crayons with your menu and dash straight to the free cookies at the grocery store, this one's for you.
- Building forts.
- Buying (and using) coloring books for a flight.
- Swinging.
- Baking cookies (but eating all of the dough instead).
- Putting flour on your friend's nose and starting a flour fight in the middle of making cookies.
- Having handstand contests in the pool.
- Running out to get some ice cream from the ice cream truck in the summer.
- Watching Disney movies.
- Playing hangman at the dinner table while waiting for your food.
- Participating in a game of Marco Polo in the pool.
- Settling things with Rock Paper Scissors.
- Planting flowers in your garden at home.
- Darting straight to the free cookies when you get to the grocery store
- Dressing up for Halloween (and still getting excited about all of the candy...that you now have to buy).
- Giving into temptation at Dick's by grabbing some bouncy balls and dribbling them all around the store.
- Blowing bubbles.
- Cannonball-ing into the pool (and giving friends scores for the biggest splash).
- Still getting excited over Easter baskets and finding out what "Santa" brought.
- Wearing matching Christmas pajamas.
- Sleeping with a stuffed animal or Ugly doll (because those are the greatest).
- Juice boxes.
- Bubble baths.
- My Elf on the Shelf named Peppermint.
- Playing Go Fish with your friends.
- Getting a birthday cake/wearing a tiara for the night because it's your birthday so why would you not?
- Treehouse adventures.
- Getting a toy with your meal (I'm talking about those cursing minions now).
- Hiding under the covers during rainstorms.
- Building sandcastles/looking for shells on the beach.
- Doing puzzles.
- Playing the game Headbandz.
- Getting excited whenever the People magazine comes in because you can do the new crossword puzzle.
- Sticking stars on your ceiling so they glow in the dark at night.
- Diving into a brand new book/being able to buy a new book at Barnes and Noble.
- The feeling after a haircut.
- Picking two raindrops on the car window and seeing who goes down the window the fastest.
- Wanting to have someone hold your hand when you're getting a shot at the doctors.
- (Still) feeling super bad to the bone with you watch an R-rated movie.
- Splashing through puddles with your rain boots on.
- Sliding down the bannister.
- Making s'mores.
- Having sleepovers with your friends.
- Playing PIG or Horse on the basketball court.
- Sleeping in your dad's big t-shirts.
- Making snowmen (and snow-women!) with entirely too much detail.
- Making your friends do your makeup and play with your hair so you can feel like a princess.
- Desperately hoping to catch a foul ball at the baseball game.
- Writing with sidewalk chalk.
- Writing notes in class to your friends.
- Painting pottery.
- Shopping for back to school supplies (and new shoes).
- Getting letters in the mail.
- Sneaking in candy under your sweatshirt to the movies.
- Using the old "Eenie meenie minie mo" method for important life decisions.
- Playing MASH to help you discover your true life path.
- Taking naps in the middle of the day.
- Trying to count how many licks it takes to get to the center of the lollipop.
- Thinking that boys still have cooties (just kidding...)
- Water slides.
- Having tea parties with your grown up friends.
- Finding fun in the smallest of things.