Earlier this week, Scott Mescudi, better known by his rap name, Kid Cudi, shared a post on his Facebook page explaining how he has checked himself into a rehabilitation center due to his struggles with anxiety, depression, and suicidal urges.
Mescudi apologized to his fans multiple times throughout his post. For example, Mescudi wrote, "It's been difficult for me to find the words to what I'm about to share with you because I feel ashamed. Ashamed to be a leader and hero to so many while admitting I've been living a lie," and "I am sorry if I let anyone down. I really am sorry. I'll be back, stronger, better. Reborn. I feel like shit, I feel so ashamed. I'm sorry."
Kid Cudi's music has played a very significant role in my life. My friends and I were massive fans of his music during our early teenage years. I even had my mom drive me, and a few friends, to Lincoln to see him live when we were 15 years old, and unable to drive ourselves. His music was, and still is, a breath of fresh air. He is one of the only rappers who didn't use every song to degrade women, speak about violence that he probably never even encountered or about cars that he probably never drove. Kid Cudi's lyrics hit home with me. He spoke about feeling different from others. Issues he dealt with that other people didn't notice. As a teenager growing up with anxiety, his music was like an antidepressant of its own for me.
Look up any of his songs on YouTube, and read the comments. I promise you that you will see multiple comments saying something along the lines of, "This song saved my life."
So, with that being said, Scott Mescudi, you did not let me down, and chances are, you probably hardly let anyone down. You and your music played a significant role in my life, and I'm not sure how I could have handled some of my own hardships in life without your music. So keep fighting. Get better. Keep inspiring. Keep saving lives.
- Your forever fan