Kicking Out The Kardashians
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Kicking Out The Kardashians

There are better role models out there.

Kicking Out The Kardashians

I am seriously so sick of the Kardashian fad, I can't even stand it. I'm not kidding about this: every single time one of the Kardashian/Jenner circus members pops up on trending topics on Facebook, or in a suggested article, I flag the post as being offensive in nature. Their fame is offensive. Sincerely. What has any person in that family done that was beneficial for anyone else?

Let's break some things down:

The ONLY reason Kim Kardashian is famous is because of a supposedly leaked sex tape. I'm not judging a person's choices to engage in sex on video, but it is hardly a good reason for someone to be showered with praise, either. She could have used her fame to do positive things, but instead she's been in the news off and on for her short-lived marriages and the incredibly stupid things she has said. There was one sole occasion where she was praised for doing something positive, and it turned out to be a scam. She sold her old clothes on eBay under the guise of "donating to charity," but only actually gave 10% of the money away, meanwhile making hundreds of thousands of dollars for herself just for getting rid of some clothes.

Kylie, the second most famous member of the family, is worshiped for reasons I can't wrap my head around. Supposedly innovative style choices? Style choices that were innovative...when they were trendy in the 90s. But the worst thing she has done, in my opinion, was to allow thousands of her fans to hurt themselves in an attempt to achieve the same pouty-lipped look that she sports. To be fair, the young girls and boys that made such attempts probably should have known better, but she gave the impression it was a possibility by denying that she had any cosmetic enhancements. I don't judge her lip injections (though I question why a teenager should be allowed to disfigure themselves before they've finished growing and developing). I simply judge her allowing the charade to go on as long as it did, never acknowledging that what people were doing to look like her was dangerous.

Caitlyn Jenner is the only family member that I might say has done anything positive, and that is coming out as a trans-gendered woman, and opening up some people's eyes to that world. But I have a problem with how this went down. First and foremost, Caitlyn has millions of dollars to spend on transitioning, and it's not so easy for everyone else--which she refuses to acknowledge. Second, despite now being a figure in the LGBTQ community, she is against gay marriage. I know not all LGBTQ folks consider themselves wholly ingrained in the community, but they are at least sensitive to the plights of others who have faced discrimination and injustice. She's not a good example for the transgender community.

I could tirade more about these three, and every other member of the family, but it's giving the topic more attention than it deserves.

Instead, I want to offer an alternative. There are role models in the world of Hollywood that young girls can and should look up to. Here are just five of my personal favorites:

Janeane Garofalo

I realize there is a fairly good chance that many of you have no idea who this is, but I have looked up to this woman ever since I was really little. She was probably my first girl-crush. She's done stand-up, as well as played a character actor in multiple 90s-era films. She's also a political activist and a feminist.

One of my favorite things she has discussed is how irritating it is to be referred to as a "female comedian," where there really should be no gender placed on a profession. She said, “I cannot stand when people bring up, 'What’s it like to be a female comedian?' I can’t have one more person ask for an interview about females in comedy. It’s so tired. The gender binary I’m discussing is, it doesn’t matter what you do for a living, it doesn’t matter who you are, there is a low-level hum of misogyny that rears its ugly head.”

Plus, IMO, she's about five thousand times more attractive than any of the Kardashian clan. It's irrelevant, but hey, it's a fallback for my argument.

Emma Stone

I just love her so much. She first grabbed my attention with her quirky personality in films like Superbad and Zombieland. But I've since become intrigued by her charitable acts and comments on body positivity, and how women should support one another, rather than try to tear each other down.

“My great hope for us as young women is to start being kinder to ourselves so that we can be kinder to each other. To stop shaming ourselves and other people for things we don’t know the full story on—whether someone is too fat, too skinny, too short, too tall, too loud, too quiet, too anything. There’s a sense that we’re all ‘too’ something, and we’re all not enough.”

Emma Watson

This girl went from being a socially awkward bookworm in the Harry Potter series, to a freaking UN Ambassador for HeForShe. And, I guess she's still a bookworm, because she's taking a break from acting to focus on reading and feminism.

Regarding her realization that she was a feminist, she said, "When, at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of their sports teams because they didn't want to appear 'muscly.' When, at 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings. I decided that I was a feminist."

Maisie Williams

Maisie is a young actress, but she's already so fierce. When a tabloid headline read, "Unveiled: Game of Thrones' Maisie Williams goes braless in sheer lace dress and quirky headpiece at charity masquerade ball" Maisie responded by tweeting: "Game of Thrones actor, Maisie Williams, helps raise thousands of dollars at a Summer Masquerade ball for NSPCC."

This tweet hit the nail on the head so hard. Women, too often, are only seen for their fashion and appearance, and not enough for their work and actions.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

I thought about picking just one, but it's nearly impossible to talk about one without bringing up the other. And I simply can't pick a favorite. This duo is not only known for their wits and comedy, but for their work to help women be taken more seriously and seen as equals to men.

My personal favorite quip of theirs was when they were presenting an award to George Clooney at the Golden Globes. Speaking of Clooney's wife, Tina Fey said, "Amal is a human rights lawyer who worked on the Enron case, was an adviser to Kofi Annan regarding Syria, and was selected to a three-person UN commission investigating rules of war violations in the Gaza Strip. So tonight, her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award."

These are just a few examples of many, many famous females who make great role models. Remember, stupid people can be famous--it happens all the time. That's why reality TV exists. But young girls shouldn't be raised thinking that the Kardashians and other people like them are normal. What they do, and what they stand for, is not normal. They stand for being shallow and materialistic. They stand for being greedy. They stand for never uplifting others. They stand only for themselves.

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