Starting off a new semester gives you the chance for a fresh start. Maybe you didn't do too hot last semester, but now you can redeem yourself. With these helpful tips you will have a less stressful and more productive semester.
1. Don't Participate in "Sylly Week": I know it is tempting to drink all week long because classes aren't going too in depth the first week, but resist that temptation. You can so much more productive with you time like filling out your planner, buying textbooks, and just relaxing (while you can) instead of getting drunk.
2. Buy A Planner: I have been using a planner for as long as I can remember, and it is definitely a lifesaver. I write down all my assignments and using the prof's syllabus I can write in when tests and quizzes are and when assignments and readings are due. This way of organizing can really keep you on task and never forget a thing.
3. Use One of the most annoying part of college is having to buy textbooks. The number one rule I live by is to NEVER buy from the bookstore. They bookstores prices are way more expensive than online prices. Use, plug in your ISBN number and it will find the book across different websites and give you the cheapest price. This has definitely saved me a lot of money.
4. Get Involved: The beginning of a new semester is the perfect opportunity to join a new student organization or club. Getting involved with things on and off campus really makes your college experience 1000x more fun and exciting.