As you grow along your college career, you grow and develop as a person and most importantly, as a student. You learn the true meaning of time management, and how to be successful and harness your craft. But sometimes we can find ourselves hitting a brick wall. We can find ourselves getting in a place of consistency, complacency, and we tend to become comfortable. This is the worst place a student can find themselves in. As a student, we become comfortable and lose a sense of motivation and tend to see our story as hitting a ceiling. But this is far from the case. Here are some ways to make every semester a growing, changing experience and a fruitful one.
1. Set New and HIGHER Goals
The key to growing and becoming a better student each semester is to aim higher. I believe that as students, we get stuck in knowing that we did "well" or what we deem as "good enough". But is it really good enough? If we can obtain it so easily, why not challenge ourselves to become more?
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2. Leave Your Comfort Zone
Another key to leaving the area of comfort is to expand our horizons. Not only does this allow us to be exposed to more as a student, but it allows us to gain knowledge. We gain knowledge about ourselves, and about the world around us. Not only do you become more knowlegable, but you can find yourself realizing you have an interest or a calling elsewhere.
3. Go Beyond the Classroom
Interested in law? Take time to visit a law firm, ask questions, read on state courts, or gain an internship. The classroom is just a place to gain knowledge, but the world is a place where you gain experience. Go out and become useful and experience the world you want to work in and truly find where you fit best.
4. Connect, Network & Build
School isn't all about the schoolwork. College is a networking community. Every person you meet will be future leaders of America. Make relationships with these people, you never know when you might need them or they might need you. Beyond the students, connect with your professors. They've been in our shoes and already have an edge and access to a world we're striving to be a part of. Let them open doors for you and show them your worth it.
5. Do Not Limit Yourself
Go in with an open mind, heart, and soul. Remember that there isn't a thing on this planet that you cannot accomplish. Choose to not allow the word "can't" to enter your vocabulary. Allow yourself to do and be more than you've ever been and with that mindset, you'll be unstoppable.