Long distance can be very difficult, especially as a college student. Your life at school revolves so much around your academics, clubs, friends, and so on that it can be hard to incorporate your significant other into that life. These are my personal tips for maintaining a happy and fulfilled LDR.
1.Be organized!
Depending on how far you are from each other, planning visits may need to be planned far in advanced. Being organized with your life as a whole makes planning much simpler and less stressful. This allows you to really look forward to seeing each other!
2.Do the math on how much it will cost to see each other.
Being a college student, many of us do not have a lot of money to spare. Figuring out how much it will cost to go see your significant other and finding alternatives that are more affordable. This also saves a lot of stress on both of you from a financial standpoint.
3. Know each other's schedules.
Knowing when you and your partner have classes, club meetings etc. will avoid the belief that the other person is “ignoring” you. In some cases they may, but I have found that most of the time he or she was just busy. When you don’t see each other physically, it can be incredibly easy to over-analyze.
4. Trust each other
In all relationships, trust is essential but in an LDR, if you do not fully trust each other the relationship will fail. The physicality of relationships gives people a lot of validation about whom you are dating. In an LDR, you do not have that luxury. Trusting each other avoids arguments or any tension between both people.
5. Communicate what you are and are not okay with
If you do not want your significant other to, for example, hanging out alone with the opposite gender, you need to tell them that from the start. Creating boundaries is essential for a healthy relationship. Sometimes those boundaries are too restricting and if you feel it is affecting your freedom, talk about it with them. Overall, this avoids any confusion, which could lead to a fight.
6. Keep important dates in mind
Whether it is an anniversary or the date of a big exam, it is important to know and keep track of.
Long Distance relationships are tough, but if you really care about each and want to make the effort, it can work out!