A bench, a highly populated area, a packed weekend or bustling weekday, and possibly a sweet or salty snack from a nearby street cart of cafe.
This is the recipe for a most interesting afternoon of one of my personal favorite past times.
Whether it's a busy city park, an open air corner cafe, or simply your hometown Walmart; hours of endless entertainment at the expense of the simple passerby's who are lucky enough to pass by your chosen perch to either loiter for hours, minutes, or to simply hustle by heading off to whatever even they have chosen to plan for the day are almost a guarantee.
It never gets old. And honestly it is a testament to just how refreshing and frankly entertaining taking a moment to disconnect from phones and laptops and even conversations with other people in order to take in the wild sights that are happening right next to you.
Because if you don't, how will you ever notice a drunken middle aged couple skipping across a roped of section of park on a dare, or a lady in highlighter pink high heels engrossed in her iPhone while here toddler strips down mostly nude to splash in a nearby fountain. (These are both sights I have witnessed in a downtown Dallas park at 2 in the afternoon. No lie.)
You would be surprised how many crazy stories you can acquire by simply keying into the people around you.
So next time your boyfriend/girlfriend is taking just a little to much time in her favorite store at the mall, your mom picked the longest check out line in the history of the world to get into at Target, or your having to take your little brother or sister to the park, have a look around you. Make up a story about the lives swirling and existing around you. Write your next greatest stand u comedy bit in your head. Or, at the very least, have a crazy story to tell to your best friends next time you see them.
Unplug. Key in. Pay attention.
You never know what you might see!