I'll be the first to admit that I'm not always the best technology owner: 3 of 4 past cell phones have met a watery death, and the 4th was held together with a rubber band and a prayer. Which is why, upon getting my current cell phone, I walked into the store and said "give me the most indestructible one you have" and in return got a Droid Moto. I gotta say, it's survived numerous fumbles onto concrete and tile at the point, so I'm quite happy with it.
While my cell phones haven't exactly been given the royal treatment, I've always been incredibly careful with my laptop. I had my first laptop for nearly 6 years, and while it's a bit slow, it still works just fine even now. My current laptop is even more precious to me - it's my lifeline in college.
And yet, I spilled iced coffee on it late one Friday night. I'd like to say it wasn't my fault, but I was the only one in the room. It was a complete accident, though; I'm not heartless. I cleaned it up right away, and everything seemed to be working just fine, until I went to type something and couldn't use the 'G' or 'H' keys. Oh noooo...
I couldn't use backspace, either. Or escape, for some odd reason - the 'G' and 'H' I understood, that's about exactly where the coffee was, but backspace and escape are on opposite corners of the keyboard. Very odd.
I ended up having to take it to the Geek Squad at BestBuy, who told me that it wasn't an on-site fix and so would have to be sent away. Great.
"It should be back within three weeks."
Three weeks?! I'm a young college student that is emotionally attached to my Word processor - I generally can't go three hours without needing my computer for some reason! However, I didn't really have a choice.
I still have my tablet for in-class work, and the school library has computers that are free to use, but man, I spent about half an hour wandering around on Sunday looking for a free study room with a computer. And when I finally found one, I was kicked out an hour later for someone who had reserved it. How lucky am I?
I suppose the moral of the story is be careful with beverages around your computer - and definitely get a Geek Squad Protection Plan. Sending off my computer to re-haul the keyboard seems expensive, but it fell under my protection plan and didn't cost a dime. Hallelujah!