The real life key to college success, right here for free? It sounds like it is too good to be true, but it is 100 percent cierto, mis amigos. It may not be a pretty potion or even purchasable for that matter, but let me give you a head start on something I spent my entire first year perfecting. Don't worry, it will not be that difficult to learn. In fact, worrying would be entirely counterproductive.
What's the name of the college game? Why, that would be adjustment. New town plus new classes and new people equals one heaping pile of adjusting. That's nothing you didn't know, is it? It also means a whole lot of stress. Our bodies like to be familiar with surroundings and situations, so no matter how cool of a cucumber you are, potential stress will creep your way.
I hate to give it away in less than 200 words. However, the key to success in college is stress management. I'm not a big fan of the term because preventative measures are much more effective than those post-stress. Nevertheless, nothing will aid your social life, health or scholarship more.
Better yet, preventing and managing your stress can be a super fun thing to do. Things like writing crazy stories, doing yoga and playing a musical instrument will kill those stress bugs for sure. Not especially flexible or creative? Good old fashioned exercise releases endorphins, which make everyone feel great!
A personal hack of mine is to strike a calming yoga pose and breathe deeply while listening to one of my favorite slow songs. It only takes one song, a.k.a., three minutes, and I always feel loads better.
Yes, I did spend an entire year perfecting this skill. Keeping calm is something that can be very distinct for each person. Figuring out what drowns your stress fire is, therefore, highly introspective. Have a nice time getting to know yourself all over again. Consider what you learn your personal life hacks.
Even more important is allowing yourself to make use of these hacks. When we're stressed, especially stressed for time, we tend to just keep functioning. Before you know it, life has become so stressful that you don't even know how unhappy you are. Extreme stress is crippling, and completely unnecessary in college. Whether it takes three minutes or not, giving yourself permission to take care of yourself and your stress is one of the best things you can do, both for your happiness and health.
Simple, but true. Some people may be prone to a little too much chillin'. However, a lot of us are also prone to working 'til we drop. Learning to keep your stress at bay will help you be productive and man, do I want my college years to be that.