Whether you want to admit it or not there is no way to resist Bullwinkles. By some force of nature everyone will somehow end up walking into this black hole better known as Bullwinkles. Mistakes are definitely made but it's OK.
Waking up without your dignity.
Seeing a hot person and thinking you can attract them.
Going there as a decent person then becoming a straight up delinquent as soon as you step foot inside.
Checking you and your friends Snapchat stories and realizing you're a savage.
Going there without enough alcohol in your system and realizing you have made a terrible choice.
Waking up to texts from your friends frantically asking how you are along with atrocious pictures of yourself.
Somehow you're in the middle of a circle of people hooking up. Good for you guys though.
Suddenly, you think that you are capable of shaking your hips like Shakira.
Definitely did not make the $1 bombs but that does not stop you from blowing your money at the bar. Sorry bank account.
You wouldn't be a true friend if you didn't encourage your friends to get drinks with you now would you?
Waking up with a Jimmy Johns sandwich still in hand or the new radical thing "winkie's pizza"!
It's that time again. The time to call the bar because your wallet is missing along with $50 from your account.
New day but same outfit as last night.
And then you find that you're standing there alone.
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