Respect Yourself: Most importantly, you have to respect your body. Exercise, eat healthy, and know that you are in control. In order to function at the highest possible level, you must be in tune with how your body functions and how you can get the most out of it. Know how to work hard, but never underestimate the importance of relaxation. Everything is connected - when your body feels good, so will your mind.
Mental Health is a Priority: Physical health is only half the battle. Know how to control your stress levels, and be sure to do whatever it takes to maintain a positive attitude. Your mind is incredibly powerful, and its health will single-handedly dictate how you feel and behave.
Appreciate Your Opportunities: Don’t ever put yourself in a position to think: “I wish I would have done that.” Take advantage of every opportunity you get, because you never know which one will lead you to success.
Be Willing to Sacrifice for Others: One of the greatest feelings in the world is knowing that you made a positive influence on somebody else’s life. In order to this, you must be willing to place the needs of others before your own. You will never regret it.
Surround Yourself With Good People: Everyone you meet, you meet for a reason. It's your job to find out what that reason is. Look out for your friends and family, and in turn, they will look out for you.
Don’t Live to Work, Work to Live: Work should not be your priority. Rather, you should work to give yourself the chance to enjoy the people and places around you.
Live Simply: It's easy to allow clutter in your life, and it often becomes overwhelming. A simple lifestyle will allow you to focus on and appreciate what truly matters. By avoiding too many extracurriculars, you will be able to find peace with what you do.
Go out and see the world: There’s a lot to explore: places to see, people to meet, and cultures to discover. Real life experience is the greatest teacher, so go and be a star pupil!