If there’s anything the human race strives for as a whole, it’s making sure we achieve a happy and healthy life. There really is a science to making sure this happens.
I believe the key is balance. The skill to be able to balance work life and home life, friend life and family life, healthy eating and indulgences, is a skill that takes putting yourself first. In order to achieve a happy and healthy life, one must be able to accomplish the following things.
Putting yourself first:
Probably the most important thing to achieving a happy, healthy life is putting yourself first. Your loved ones and friends can take a close second in this one, but in the end, you should always be your top priority. You cannot achieve a happy, healthy life if you are constantly taking on other’s burdens or missing sleep because you’ve been studying too hard for an upcoming test or working too hard on a big project at work. Always put yourself first.
This brings me to sleep. Get enough of it. Period. If that means taking one thing off your plate so you can catch the right amount of Zzzs every night, then do it. You can’t be your best self without that precious sleep. That Netflix show can wait until you have free time. You don’t need to go out with your friends on a work night when you have to get up at six the next morning. Get your six to eight hours and you’ll feel ten times more productive and happy. And no, that nap you take during your break time does not count as an extra hour of sleep at night.
I can’t say this enough, exercise is the key to a healthy life. Those endorphins do wonders to your attitude. I always feel so much better after a good workout. It is the best stress reliever out there. It doesn’t even have to be something intense, simply taking a walk every night is so good for you, and it even helps you sleep better at night.
Balanced diet:
I know, I know, eating healthy is hard. I struggle with eating healthy every day, but it is something we all need to practice. Just swap that white toast in the morning with whole grain bread (I prefer Ezekiel Bread), or try some oatmeal. It will get you through until lunch. I always try to eat at least one salad a day, preferably with spinach. You can still eat carbs, just pair it with some good hearty vegetables. The key is balance. And by that I mean indulge also. No one can eat perfect all the time. It is important to treat yourself to that glass of wine or that cookie for dessert every now and then.
Time with those you love:
Spending time with those you care about is a huge step towards a happy life. Isolating yourself is not healthy. I personally feel the happiest when I’m around my close friends and family. Laughter is the best drug, and it’s kind of hard to laugh by yourself. So surround yourself with those you love as much as you can. Life is hard, but you have people to lean on.
Get rid of the negative people in your life:
Surrounding yourself with those you love is a great and wonderful thing, but keeping around toxic friends is not. Stop surrounding yourself with friends that bring you down or make you mad when you are or aren’t around them. You don’t need that in your life. Life takes a positive turn when you dump those negative friends.
I believe keeping a thirst for knowledge is a way to achieve a healthy, happy life. We must constantly be curious about the world around us in order to fully appreciate it. Read a good book, research random topics--never feel like you’ve reached the point of knowing everything. We learn new things every day, and we can use new knowledge to better our lives.
Reflection and Time Alone:
As important as it is to be around people you love, it is just as important to spend time by yourself in meditation and reflection. I would hope that it is a common goal to become the best people we can be over time. This can only occur when we take a moment by ourselves every day to recognize the things we did well during our day, and the things we need to do better. This is also a time to count our blessings and see how blessed we really are. It is important to put life’s struggles into perspective. If you have a home to live in, friends and family you love and are doing something you love, you are better off than a large amount of the world. We can only achieve a healthy and happy life if we recognize the things that might be holding us back from it.