Do you love ketchup? Of course you do. It's hands down the best condiment. Here's what you know to be true if you are a die-hard ketchup fan.
1. You will debate with people over the merits of ketchup being the best condiment.
What do you mean mustard is the best condiment?! I thought we were friends.
2. Ketchup goes great on most foods.
Even weird ones like grilled cheese. It's actually good; you should try it.
3. You are upset when they forget to put ketchup packets in your food bag.
How am I supposed to eat these chicken nuggets without ketchup?!
4. It is not uncommon for you to put way too much ketchup on your plate.
Why is half your plate covered in ketchup? Well if I don't do that, I'll run out. That would be bad...very bad.
5. When you run out of ketchup at home, it is a sad day for everyone.
If I'm not happy, no one can be happy. WE ARE IN CRISIS MODE!!!
6. You will bring ketchup for your food in the car even though it may make a mess.
I stand in front of you today to as you a very important question: How do I eat an egg sandwhich without ketchup?!
8. You enjoy meeting people who share your love of ketchup.
And often times they suggest new foods with which to eat it.
Ketchup is the best. Enough said.