Why Kerri Walsh Jennings Should Be Your Role Model | The Odyssey Online
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Why Kerri Walsh Jennings Should Be Your Role Model

Kerri Walsh Jennings is an incredible athlete and person, and here is why:

Why Kerri Walsh Jennings Should Be Your Role Model
Mike Stobe, Getty Images

On my birthday in 2015, I had the opportunity to stand in the presence of one of my biggest idols, Kerri Walsh Jennings. Not only did I have the extreme pleasure of being in her presence, but I also received her coaching and advice! I was able to have this unique and inspiring experience because of a clinic I attended in my hometown of Wilmington, NC. The clinic was hosted by Captain Bill’s, a beach volleyball location in Wilmington, and arranged by the Wilmington Volleyball Series.

All of this is besides the point. Attending that clinic coached by Olympians Kerri Walsh Jennings and husband Casey Jennings completely changed my perspective of the game. From that day forward, Kerri became someone I aspired to emulate. In my eyes, she encompassed what it meant to work hard. She defined what it meant to be a good sport. Her passion and drive for the sport of volleyball filled every single girl who was in attendance of the clinic. Her competitiveness and thirst for success was contagious. Above all, her attitude towards life and her positive nature seemed almost unreal. To this day, I still keep in mind some of the Olympic knowledge and advice Kerri Walsh Jennings shared with all of us young athletes in attendance of the clinic. It was an experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world. The following paragraphs outline why Kerri should be everyone’s idol, no matter what sport you play.

Kerri Walsh is easily one of the most competitive athletes in the world. As someone who has played competition from many different countries, she has seen her fair share of diverse, cut-throat competitors. You can tell just how competitive she is by watching Kerri compete on television. Her unwavering focus and vocal nature on the court stands out among other professional beach volleyball players. Walsh also views each game as a battle. I remember when she spoke to us about warming up before games. She described it as, “sharpening your swords and weapons for battle.” I have carried this analogy with me throughout my college career and often repeat it in my head before games. I feel that Kerri Walsh is such a dominant force because she refuses to give anything but her best performance. She leaves everything on the court and thirsts for success.

Kerri is also one of the toughest, hardest working athletes around. Casey Jennings, Kerri’s husband, talked to us about Kerri’s work ethic. According to Jennings, Kerri never misses a beat. She always eats healthy food, never misses a practice, and makes the most of every moment spent on the practice court. Not only does she grind when she is out of the public eye, but she also refuses to let anything stop her from competing. In the 2012 Olympic games, Kerri was pregnant… yes, pregnant. What? Not only was she pregnant, but her and partner Misty May won Olympic Gold! Not to mention Kerri received her fifth shoulder surgery before qualifying for the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. The dominant woman plays no matter what the circumstances.

Lastly, Kerri lives a life filled with happiness and pure positivity. Despite her fame and success, Kerri came off as one of the sweetest, most down to earth people. She has three extremely blessed children, a loving husband, and success in a sport she loves. No wonder the woman exudes rainbows and butterflies. However, I feel as though she is so genuine and wants to see others succeed. Throughout the clinic, she was so encouraging and upbeat. She was so excited to share the game she loves with young athletes.

The fact that Kerri Walsh Jennings competed in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games as a 38-year-old mother of three is simply amazing. This woman is so inspiring in so many ways. She is the perfect example of an athlete who is driven, determined, respectful, competitive, positive and strong both mentally and physically. Everyone should think of Kerri as a role model no matter what your sport, occupation or status in life. Young or old. Athlete or not an athlete. Kerri is someone who truly leads by example.

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