I am from the darkest kind of loneliness, the kind that creeps up and buries itself within the spaces between your ribcage and your heart.
I am from "don't speak too loud, boys don't like loud girls" and "don't be too quiet, guys like girls who are a little spunky" to "if you wouldn't have wore that outfit, he wouldn't have went after you"
I am from bloody knuckles and writing on the wall; Barney Adams?
From being too afraid to walk outside alone, I swear I didn't mean to kill the damn dog.
I am from the consistency of always being too much or too little, but never the right amount.
I am from hearing songs and reading stories and wishing that I was a part of them instead of who I am.
From staying in bed with closed shades for months to ripping the shades down and opening windows, I can hear the birds singing and I feel the breeze on my skin.
Only not really.
I feel alive.
I am alive.
But only sometimes.
I am from taking ten minutes to order my food just because I can't decide what I want.
I am from treating hallways and street sidewalks as if they were interstates, speed walking, but still running slower than an original Programma 101 desktop computer (1960 edition of course).
I am from "ten more minutes" to "can I please just stay home?"
And from loving so hard that my love physically pushes someone away, I am sorry.
I didn't choose to come from this place.
I swear I meant to do better.