Gunman Kills Two At Jacob Blake Protests In Kenosha, Wisconsin | The Odyssey Online
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A Gunman Killed Two People And Injured One At The Jacob Blake Protests In Kenosha And Hasn't Been Caught

The shooting of Blake has sparked national protests as well as fiery protests in Kenosha.

A Gunman Killed Two People And Injured One At The Jacob Blake Protests In Kenosha And Hasn't Been Caught

In the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, WI, there have been protests in Kenosha to speak out against the incident and police brutality.

Blake was confirmed to be paralyzed from the waist down after being shot seven times by the police. The shooting has sparked national protests as well as fiery protests in Kenosha.

In the midst of the third night of protests in Kenosha, a disturbing video surfaced. In it, a man can be seen running away from a crowd of protesters armed with an assault rifle.

As the video unfolds the man gets lost in a crowd of people and then shots can clearly be heard. "One victim had been shot in the head and another in the chest late Tuesday, just before midnight," according to Kenosha County Sherrif David Beth who was interviewed by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Two victims were killed and a third was shot in the arm but survived.

According to the Sentinel,

Beth said people who fashion themselves as belonging to a militia have been patrolling Kenosha's streets in recent nights, but he did not know if the shooter was involved with such a group.
"They're a militia," Beth said. "They're like a vigilante group."

The Sentinel reported that before the shooting took place, "someone from Kenosha" made a suggestion to Beth that citizens should be deputized to help contain the protests. However, Beth said he would not do it.

It is unclear if there was one shooter or multiple. It is not known if the man running away in the video was the shooter. But it is clear that there were shots fired and two people have lost their lives as a result.

The protests in Kenosha shine a light on the reality of police brutality and its lasting impacts on individual lives. In the case of Jacob Blake, he may not have lost his life but he is now paralyzed as a result of the interaction.

The shootings in the midst of the protests are an added layer to the already complex circumstance of gun violence and police brutality that exists in America.

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