College is a hard transition.
I don't care who you are. College is not high school and you definitely have to adapt. After being here for a month, I've made some observations.
1. You walk EVERYWHERE
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but walking gets boring real fast. You have to walk from your dorm all the way to the social science building that's LITERALLY on the other side of campus. When you're 5'1" your little legs can't handle all that walking.
2. The line at Chick-fil-A is ALWAYS long
I'm a Chick-fil-A addict and I'm proud to say it, but waiting in that line is one of the most horrible experiences AND you have to buy everything separately. Combo meals are nonexistent. Petition for another Chick-fil-a on campus, please!
3. People are always trying to hand you a flyer
Sometimes this is a good thing - I got a coupon book the other day. But sometimes it gets annoying. I'm sure your organization is great but I don't really want to come to your Threading club gathering on Friday night.
4. Boys.
Maybe this is a me thing, but I feel like I have seen so many male humans on this campus and some of them are super cute - and then they're gone! I never see them again. We make eye contact and then go on our way. This is not the fairytale that is supposed to be happening to me.
5. There are at least a million campus ministries.
Don't get me wrong, this is a very good thing. But if you're all going to meet on Wednesday nights at're really competing for attendance.
6. You get really hungry at the most random times.
I can't even count how many times my roommates and I have ordered a pizza at 2 in the morning because being hungry is a very real thing.
7. People will randomly stop walking
Public service announcement: DON'T STOP DEAD IN YOUR TRACKS WHEN TEN PEOPLE ARE BEHIND YOU. Maybe you're not in a hurry to get to class, but the rest of us have places to be and your stopping for no reason is ASKING for me to run into you.
8. People WILL put something in the fountain
Honestly, I didn't think anything would happen in regards to the fountains on campus, but there have already been two occurrences of bubbles in the fountain. (I'm not condoning it, but you are giving me good Snapchat material, so feel free to continue.)
9. Your roommates, no matter how well you get along, will do something to annoy you.
Kennesaw blesses you with your own room...but people are still people and they are going to do something to get under your skin. Maybe they keep eating your food, or don't do the dishes, or watch TV at three in the morning. They're doing something - but you have to live with them so you put up with it.
10. You've met some of the greatest people
You've only been here a month, but you feel like you've known these people for years, and they're pretty awesome. Maybe this college thing won't be that hard of a transition after all.