Kendrick Lamar's "HUMBLE.": Misogyny Or Feminism? | The Odyssey Online
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Kendrick Lamar's "HUMBLE.": Misogyny Or Feminism?


Kendrick Lamar's "HUMBLE.": Misogyny Or Feminism?
Kendrick Lamar VEVO

Late last year, Top Dawg Entertainment artist ScHoolboyQ's social media accounts were hacked. During the whole farce, the hacker made some revelations regarding the release of fellow TDE rappers' projects, notably that of J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar. At the time, many did not take these revelations seriously. The statements could have been true, as the hacker had access to Q's private messages, or they could have just been some cruel trolling, a potential publicity stunt by the label.

However, with the release of J. Cole's "4 Your Eyez Only" a month later, many fans were wondered if, or even when, Kendrick would release a follow-up to the critically-acclaimed "To Pimp a Butterfly". Well, the wait is over! Recently, Kendrick and his TDE family have been hinting at a new project from the Compton rapper. On March 23, his official Instagram account was completely wiped out, leaving only a photo showcasing the Roman numeral four.

This was intended as the promotion for a new Kendrick track, "The Hear Part IV," an addition to his "The Heart" series. After, the account went completely blank. It has been alleged that the track is a diss at fellow Grammy Award-winning rapper Drake or possibly Big Sean. Furthermore, "The Heart Part IV" is said to be a taste of the Compton rapper's follow-up to his 2015 album. The three previous tracks in the saga preceded his previous projects by as long as five months ("The Heart Part. 1" before "Overly Dedicated" in 2010) and as little as three days ("The Heart Pt. 3" before "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City" in 2012).The most significant take away from the track, however, is the last line when Kendrick state

"Y'all got 'til April the 7th to get y'all shit together."

The line is said to be evidence that the Compton rapper will release a new project on the date referred, April 7, and a warning to his fellow rappers.

In the meantime, he has gifted his fans, hip-hop heads, and the world really, with a fire new track (as the youngins say) accompanied by stunning visuals. The Compton artist's new song "HUMBLE." is seen as a further diss to his peers. Regardless, it has all the panache of any Kendrick track.

Nothing short of poetic, the song is, ironically enough, not 'lyrically modest'. Though the crux of the track is Kendrick's ability to not flex like other rappers, it also features the political honesty of Kendrick's last project. This can be heard in lines such as:

I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop

Show me somethin' natural like afro on Richard Pryor

Show me somethin' natural like ass with some stretch marks

Lines for which Kendrick received backlash, as some listeners dubbed them misogynistic for uplifting certain women at the expense of others. Judge for yourself.

Watch Kendrick's visually-satisfying video for his lyrically-intellectual track "HUMBLE." below.

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