On January 5th, Kris Jenner tweeted the following tweets saying that she was proud of her daughter (Kendall) for being brave and vulnerable.
Now, many people thought that this was a big announcement as momager Kris had sent out another tweet following the previous one telling everyone to watch Kendall's Twitter to see what the "big announcement" was.
If you don't already know, the "big announcement" was a brand deal with Proactiv. It wasn't some life-changing, revolutionizing news that would change the world as we knew it. So, if you wanted it in news form, THIS JUST IN: KENDALL JENNER SUFFERS FROM BREAKOUTS. Whew, I don't know how you or I could have lived without that information.
On a serious note, this is just embarrassing. Kendall has her own dermatologist, first of all. Actually, scratch that- the entire family goes to the same dermatologist. It has been said in many interviews, so it's not some piece of secret information.
If this isn't proof of how detached the Karjenner's are from the real world and ACTUAL issues, I don't know what is. They have millions (if not billions combined) of dollars and a HUGE social following to actually do good in the world, but instead, we are given some "life-changing" and "raw" gimmick.
Acne is a serious thing that people actually deal with (coming from the girl who has been on Accutane twice). A couple of pimples that go away in a day or two isn't #lifechanging. Acne is something that can be damaging to someone's self-confidence and while I'm sure Kendall didn't feel her best with a breakout at an award show, I don't think Proactiv is what solved it, but probably expensive skin treatments and trips to the dermatologist.
Just a tip for Kendall, you have a HUGE platform to talk about real-life things. Use it for good. Talk about anxiety and mental health. Talk about charity work. Talk about something that doesn't write you a check once you tweet about it. A paid brand deal makes what you're saying sound very insincere.
And, by the way, Kris, none of us were moved by this announcement. A brand deal isn't life-changing news.