I should write an article about surviving finals! I think, determinedly to myself as I approach hour seven in the library, embracing the occasional twitch of right eye that has been consistent for the past 48 hours and the sensation of a distant migraine that has settled itself directly above my left ear. And I think I’m surviving?
The truth is, there may not be a right way to make it through finals with perfect sanity. It’s the time of the year when professors need to polish off their gradebooks by piling on last minute assignments and announcing last minute exams, seemingly expecting above and beyond, despite the fact that we have other classes too.
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Let me backtrack for a second because this might sound like a joke. Let’s be real—there are quite a few all-nighters on deck for the next week. That’s okay. The important thing is to listen to your body when it tells you to sleep. If you have trouble waking up, set alarms or a timer so that you don’t oversleep and put it on the other side of the room and hide it. This will force you to get out of bed before you hit snooze!
2. Watch Your Caffeine Intake!
Energy drinks are not meant to be chugged nor are you supposed to drink more than one per day. They will send your heart rate soaring and can cause your body to shake, which will actually keep you from focusing. If you can’t focus on one task, try breaking it up in parts or start working on another assignment before you reach for that extra boost.
3. Take Breaks!
When I say study breaks, I don’t mean working for 30 minutes followed by an hour on Facebook. I mean get your ass up and walk around outside for half an hour before returning to the essay writing or studying. Once you get outside, your blood will get flowing and your brain can start pumping out fresh ideas again. You'll be less frustrated because your brain will connect thoughts that you couldn’t connect before, when you were sitting in the same place for hours on end.
4. Don't Forget to Eat!
Make sure you have 3-4 meals (depending on your diet) per day, around the same time each day. Don’t forget snacks, too! Try to be healthy. However, studies have shown that if you eat greasy food before learning something new, you’re more likely to retain the information. Do whatever you want with that factoid, but trust me when I say you’ll feel better if you get some proper nutrition.
Make yourself proud by treating your body right and putting forth your best effort! If you're feeling stressed, remember that we all struggle to be perfect. And remind yourself of how soon this will be you: