As we high school and college students are getting older and becoming more independent, it is important for us to develop our own stances and opinions about major things. We are no longer confined to feeling like we need to have the same opinions of our parents. However, we can only accomplish this if we take the time to actually pay attention to the events going on in the world around us. Whether or not we find politics and the news interesting, we all need to become informed to realize exactly how we feel about things.
While there are so many people our age who are passionate about current events, there are also so many people our age who are the complete opposite. So many of us, myself included, are aware of the major things that are constantly talked about but are blind to many of the other things happening in our world.
Part of becoming an adult is paying attention to our world, such as elections, violent acts, or anything else that may be affecting our world. We can no longer rely on our parents making all of our decisions for us and remaining in the dark about things that are so important.
No matter how you do it, it is just important that you start catching up on the news in our world. It can be through an email subscription, reading the local newspaper every morning, or simply reading articles when you have some free time. It's so important to be as aware as you possibly can. You never know when it is going to come in handy.
In the end, the best way to improve our world is to understand the events happening within it.
We can only make informed decisions if we are truly aware of everything that goes into it.