Halloween has certainly dwindled down in the past few years, with people usually dressing up as pop-culture or media icons. We already know that many people will either dress up as a character from Suicide Squad, Netflix original series characters or a presidential candidate. However even if these people aren't original, it is still nice to see them in the Halloween spirit.
The scariest thing about Halloween this year is that it falls on a Monday. But we shouldn't let that get us down. This is the one day a year we have to not wear our regular boring old suit and tie or dress shirt to work. We have a reason to be bright, colorful, daring and all types of weird and scary. Just because the holiday lands on a manic Monday does not mean you shouldn’t still dress up and follow all of the traditions. Unfortunately, the traditions do not seem as traditional anymore. Many people do not take their children trick or treating, as more are starting to believe it is unsafe. However as long as you inspect the candy and are with the child every step of the way, I don’t see the problem with it. It’s tradition! And kids love Halloween. I hope we can bring the joy and spooky festivities back into Halloween. It is a holiday like no other; on this day we celebrate the weird ones. I know deep down we are all weird and different in our own special ways. October 31st only comes once a year. If you’re not doing the monster mash, you’re doing something wrong.
Halloween gives adults the chance to let their inner child run wild. Do crazy makeup, show a little skin, be scary and fun and spooky and weird. That's what Halloween is all about. If you're a freak or a weirdo, this day is dedicated to you, so own it.
Please do the world a favor and make your classroom vibrant from your costume on Monday, or brighten up your office with your crazy looking make-up. Do not be afraid of being judged by people. If they want to be boring, let them. If they want to be a mundane adult, fine. But if you love Halloween as much as I do, then just go out there and look freaky. Dress up as whatever you would like, even if it’s Harley Quinn. If you can’t dress up, try spreading the spirit to other people. Make goodie bags and bring them to work. Dress your dog up as a pumpkin. Wear Halloween themed underwear, so at the very least, you know you’re in the Halloween spirit. Just keep that spirit alive. Go trick or treating, do not let your age stand in the way. If you’re not going out, watch some scary movies at home. Drink pumpkin flavored coffees and teas. Eat candy and chocolate. Carve a pumpkin and leave it on your porch. Blast the A Nightmare Before Christmassoundtrack and do not be sorry for it. Scare someone at work! Take advantage of today. It’s Halloween, everyone is entitled to at least one good scare.