If there is one thing I learned in this life so far it is that not everything is sunshine and rainbows. As much as we want it to feel that way, realistically, it isn’t possible for everything in life to go our way, because there are just somethings we can’t control. Life isn’t perfect. It shouldn’t be. There are ups and downs and twists and turns to give us opportunities to grow from. We don’t always look at it that way though. Sometimes, we shut down completely, we might cry and give up, or if you’re like me, you just complain about the battle you’re facing instead of attacking it head on. Why are we scared of situations that come up in the first place? For me, it’s the fear of failure or disappointment; maybe for you it’s the fear of change but whatever it may be, there are other ways to battle the beast.
For me, I believe it’s all about the mindset. If you think you’re going to fail, you’re going to. Why don’t we change the way we think? Change the way we go about our attitudes. This seems almost impossible, I know. The one way I found that it works the best is keeping the faith. Believing that everything is going to be okay. Believing you’ll make it through the storm. In life, we get thrown curve balls we aren’t ready for. We sit back and watch it break instead of stepping up and taking a swing at it. We watch the storm roll in and complain about it, instead of shutting the windows and preparing for it. We tend to forget that we will get another at bat and the storm will eventually pass. I always try to remind myself that everything happens for a reason. That everything you decide in life and every event that happens, is all for a reason to lead up to where you are in this very moment. You grow from mistakes, you learn from heartbreak, and you become a better person when you deal with situations that aren’t the easiest. Instead of running when it gets tough, why not face it head on and tackle the issue. You are only human, there are certain things you literally can’t control. The moment you realize you are a person with feelings and accept the idea that this thing called life isn’t exactly as planned, the better off you’ll be to handle the tough spots. If you know me, you know this is something I still need to work on. I get easily stressed, overthink, and don’t react well when something doesn’t go as planned. But as I am growing up, I have come to realize that responding that way doesn’t help anything. It doesn’t make it easier, or change it from happening. It does nothing but keep the weight there.
I have faith that everything will work out as planned. That a few deep breaths, a quick prayer, some good music, and good people is the perfect medicine for something that doesn’t go quite the way you want it to. Some people don’t think dreaming and hoping will get you anywhere, I disagree. Having the faith is what gives you the drive to want a better outcome.