Arts programs are being eliminated in many school systems. These schools are taking away a wonderful opportunity for many children. The arts need to remain in the core curriculum for schools.
In most classrooms, students are focused on memorizing facts and making everything perfect to get the best grade. Students are also stressed about getting good grades because they need to have good grades to get into a good college. These students need a place where they can go and express themselves. The arts provide a much needed escape for these students.
The arts give students a better sense of creativity; students develop creative thinking skills which can be applied to other subjects. For example, counting measures can help with learning fractions. The arts also promote originality. Everyone expresses differently, but with other subjects there are right and wrong answers. The arts always find a way to relate to someones expression.The arts can expand a child’s imagination, while promoting creativity. Children can imagine what scenes or scenarios could be going on with certain points of music, and then can possibly draw or paint and image to go with it.
Music also helps students develop skills for the real world. Music teaches commitment and responsibility. It is essential to have communication in a group to perform a piece of music. It creates teamwork skills. You are working as a team to perform a piece of music and if one person isn’t being a team player the group will struggle and ultimately fail. Musicians tend to have better thinking skills. Music requires you to think quickly, which can benefit you anywhere in life. By participating in a music class or ensemble you are responsible for doing your homework/practicing your part. You are committing to be at rehearsals on time and focus during them. You are committing to help benefit the group. A director communicates with the musicians how the music should be played and they help students if they struggle. The musicians must communicate back to the director by playing as conducted. When you commit to being at rehearsals and something comes up, you must communicate with the director why you won’t be there because missing hurts the group.
Schools need to keep their arts program. The arts provide a place where students can escape the stresses of school and life. Arts programs in all honestly can help better improve the atmostphere of a school.