If you've ever felt stuck in a rut, like you're trapped in a funk, or like you don't have any motivation or care to keep on going, know that it is completely normal. Wth jobs, responsibilities, trials, hardships, tribulations, heartbreak, grief, sin, and mistakes, it can be easy to feel like you can't go on. Or maybe you just have no more energy to fight and do the things you have been called to do. Maybe you're worn down and need strength or energy.
You are not alone.
Time after time, I have felt this way before. It can be easy to buy into the lies of the enemy that you can't "defeat the giant in front of you" or that you aren't good enough to accomplish all that you have to do.
I want to encourage you, however, to recognize these statements for best they truly are: lies.
God has called you to be you. No one else can do the things He has set out for you to do. He formed you in your mother's womb and knew you before you were even a thought to your parents. He knows you better than you know yourself and has a specific plan for you. He has His hand over your life constantly and is always guiding and protecting you. He will never lead you to something that you can't survive and will never leave you alone. He'll always be there for you if you need Him.
Maybe you feel so lost and discoruaged that you feel like you don't even know where to begin in asking Him for help. If feeling weary, tired, broken hearted, or like you can't go on has ever been an issue for you, I encourage you to start by praying this simple prayer.
Give me the strength that I don't have right now. Please help remind me throughout the day that you are with me and that you will never abandon me or forsake me. I know that you were all things together for the good of your people, but help my trust in you grow more and more each day. Guide me as I go through today and give me your love and energy when I feel broken and alone. Thank you for all you do Lord.
In Jesus Name,
As you continue through this week, if you find this to be something you struggle with, I encourage you to take it to the Lord and talk with someone that you trust about this, because I'm sure they've felt it too.