When over 5 million humans worldwide show their love and passion for supporting reproductive rights, WOC, LGBTQIA, =work=pay, BLM, combatting violence, people with disabilities, climate change (omg that's real??!!?), education, immigration, R E L I G I O N, etc....it's a big deal.
Hold up.
Before you start ticking to ask sarcastic questions about why people march, claim you are not represented by the women participating, make snide comments about how no rights have been taken from women since President Trump was sworn in, or denounce the significance of the Women's March on Washington itself, you should do some research on the march as a whole.
**cough cough official website pdf and more**
Reference legitimate sources while making your arguments INSTEAD of using tweets and captions (i.e. the list above) as points of discussion. I've said it before and i'll say it again... discussion should not be disrespect.
Now, your 1st amendment rights allow you free speech; thus, you obviously DO NOT have to agree with me or any of my beliefs, but if you do, i'm speaking to you next.
The Women's March On Washington has continued their movement with the "10 Actions For The First 100 Days". Their first action?
Sign Up.
Stay Informed.
Continue Discussing.
Keep Going.